Sanctus for Epiphany, Piano and Choir (2024)
A setting of the traditional Sanctus text, written in early 2024 for the congregation at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Chris’ home congregation in Northern Colorado Springs, to sing from Epiphany until Lent.
Here’s what Chris wrote to the congregation about the work:
As I was composing the new Sanctus for Epiphany, I was thinking about three things. The first two were the normal “tools” in a composer’s toolbox that one uses for setting a text like this well: making sure that any mentions of God are musically prominent, and making sure that texts like “Hosanna in the highest” don’t go “downward” tonally. The second was keeping the lines singable for a congregation. The final consideration was how to fit those things together with Epiphany! God has appeared! During Epiphany we remember events from Jesus’ life such as His circumcision, the visit of the Magi, and His baptism. Epiphany reminds us that He has appeared, and is truly with us, among us, was truly one of us—and this was not only for Jews, but for Gentiles like me. This is a cause for rejoicing: the holiness of God drawn near, for all of us. Soli deo gloria!
In addition to the video recording above, you can:
- Download the music:
The work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, so you are welcome to use it however you like, including recording it yourself (you do not need permission or a license, even for commercial use!) as long as you properly credit Chris Krycho as the original composer and allow others to likewise reuse your own work with it.